Aprosacao Reforestation Project: community reforestation and agroforestry with small-scale cocoa farmers in Honduras.

Aprosacao Reforestation Project: community reforestation and agroforestry with small-scale cocoa farmers in Honduras.


Certification: Gold Standard



Micro scale

Tons of CO2 captured


Co2 Credit

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Sustainable Development Goals

How it works

The Aprosacao Reforestation Project is a community project implemented in small-scale farms in Olancho region, Honduras. It aims at bringing multiple social and environmental benefits by restoring forest cover in pastures and degraded areas. The project area is close to the poor buffer zone of the biodiversity hotspot: the Patuca National Park. The farmers will plant timber trees on their own land, following various models (agroforestry with cocoa, pure stand, sylvopasture), and will benefit from trees‘ sustainable products (timber and others NTP when possible) and ecosystems services (as soil enrichment, water regulation, limitation of erosion, beneficial insects, humidity, etc.). The Aprosacao cooperative project team will deliver seedlings free of charge, assist farmers with trainings, monitoring, maintenance, timber value chain development, market access, plantation registration and access to land ownership.


Hectares saved


People involved


Protected animal species


Preserved plant species