BaumInvest Reforestation Project

BaumInvest Reforestation Project

Costa Rica

Certification: Gold Standard



Micro scale

Tons of CO2 captured


Co2 Credit

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Sustainable Development Goals

How it works

BaumInvest has established a remarkable ecologically and socially sound reforestation project with tropical precious woods in Central America. The aim of the project is to reforest pasture land previously used for extensive cattle ranching in northern Costa Rica using mixed stands of various indigenous tree species as well as teak.The project comprises two reforestation sites covering a total area of 736 ha within the biosphere reserves ‘Agua y Paz’ and ‘Cordillera Volcanica Central’, both recognized under UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere programme. It constitutes part of the habitat of the magnificent Great Green Macaw and other endangered species.The project provides secure, long-term employment and fair working conditions for the local population in this rural area of northern Costa Rica. Smallholders may also have access to the project area in order to practise small-scale agro forestry between the trees. This provides them with an additional means of securing their livelihoods. About 30 percent of the project area have been set aside exclusively for nature conservation. In these parts, remaining natural forest and wetlands is under permanent protection and they will be connected with each other by means of biological corridors for wild animal and plant species.


Hectares saved


People involved


Protected animal species


Preserved plant species