GS2527 – Mobisol Solar Home Systems in Tanzania – VPA 1

GS2527 – Mobisol Solar Home Systems in Tanzania – VPA 1

Tanzania United Republic of

Certification: Gold Standard



Micro scale

Tons of CO2 captured


Co2 Credit

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Sustainable Development Goals

How it works

The Mobisol Solar Home Systems in Tanzania – VPA I (hereafter “the VPA”), is part of the Mobisol Solar Home Systems Micro-Scale Programme of Activities. The aim of VPA is the dissemination of battery-charged solar home systems to provide basic lighting service to households currently using fossil fuel based lighting in Tanzania. The intended project will thereby replace the fossil fuel based lamps in use in project households thereby reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions resulting from combustion of fossil fuels in the baseline lamps.Mobisol, the Coordinating Management Entity, of the VPoA is also the Project Implementing Partner of this VPA I. Carbon Finance will be used to scale-up the project and supply systems and services even to households located in remote areas.


Hectares saved


People involved


Protected animal species


Preserved plant species