Irokko GHG Compensation ARR

Irokko GHG Compensation ARR


Certification: Gold Standard



Micro scale

Tons of CO2 captured

Co2 Credit

Buy Co2 Credit

Sustainable Development Goals

How it works

The purpose of the project is to re-establish long-lived forest species on land historically cleared for agriculture to increase biodiversity and ecosystem effectiveness which, in the absence of the project, would continue to exist below its current ecological potential. Irokko will ensure long-term land use change through the afforestation of the project areas that meet the eligibility criteria outlined below. The project will increase the biomass carrying capacity of project areas by restoring them to original high biomass content forest conditions. The project will remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere through the growth of softwood and Harwood. Each project area to be added in future will be subject to a 70-year period of growth and to a 50-year crediting period for which the total emission reduction and sequestration will be quantified. During subsequent financing periods, additional project areas will be added following the new area certification rules and shall contribute to the total sequestered tCO2eq. The current project is on Maxime Cotnoir property. Mr. Cotnoir acquire right on 14 ha of land from Mr. Mario COTNOIR with the objective of managing the land for biodiversity, climate, and community benefits.


Hectares saved


People involved


Protected animal species


Preserved plant species