VisionsWald – VisionForest

VisionsWald – VisionForest

Costa Rica

Certification: Gold Standard



Micro scale

Tons of CO2 captured


Co2 Credit

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Sustainable Development Goals

How it works

The VisionsWald – VisionForest is located in a backward rural region in the central North of Costa Rica on the edge of the Maquenque Wildlife Refuge. This project is more than a nature conservation – or forest carbon project, it is also a pilot project and laboratory for well-tried and newly-discovered sustainable land use methods.More than half of the 620 ha project area is covered by diverse tropical rainforest, which is being protected by means of this project. Additionally, at least 60 ha of former pasture land was reforested with autochthonous tree species in close-to-nature mixed stands with the aim of restoring forest landscape and wildlife habitat for many endangered species of the Mesoamerican tropical forest.The reforestation project was made possible only due to the financial contribution of several enterprises, who aim to offset part of their GHG emissions and to promote the development of sustainable land use practices.


Hectares saved


People involved


Protected animal species


Preserved plant species